Sunday, 15 September 2013

New blog

I've started a work of fiction. It's a blog and it's a response to a question I thought up. What did I want to do before I grew up?
So, meet Ed Flinders. On his tenth birthday he decides to start a media empire that covers the street he lives in - Donkin St.
Donkin Street News Blog

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Danny MacAskill

Friday, 7 December 2012

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Tributes for Steve Jobs at the Apple store in Osaka

Following the passing of Steve Jobs the Osaka Apple store, like other Apple stores around the world, has become a makeshift shrine for the man who made the lower case 'i' a global name.
Inside it was business as usual but outside flowers and actual apples with messages written in permanent marker hinted that Apple will never be the same for many iFans now that Jobs will never be at the helm ever again.
Some of the items left outside the store including the original apples.

"Thank you Steve."

Even the rainbow Apple logo made an appearance.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Ode to a Goldfish

I met up with an old mate tonight and filmed him reciting one of his poems. I'll let Todd say the rest.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Double Take

I swore this said it was the best curry cafe in Melbourne's CBD. I didn't actually answer their question, but I will honestly say, "I don't know."

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

film clip

Film clip I helped collaborate on. They misspelled my name, but it makes it more mysterious that way.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

broken cameras and broken dreams

In Japan there is a common promotion where significant discounts are given if you bring in another model of whatever you are buying. So, for example, if you are buying a digital camera, you can often get a few thousand yen off the retail price if you trade in an old digital camera. So when my wife found a prehistoric digital camera for a few hundred yen at a flea market, she jumped on the chance to buy it. It didn't seem to work, but that was not its purpose. We just wanted an old camera that we could trade in whenever a good deal came up.

After doing a little bit of tinkering I managed to get the camera working. Well, working if you carefully held in a plug from another adapter at a certain angle. To my delight there were some photos still recorded on the internal memory. I started to get worried when I saw a theme emerging. That particular them was of (apparently random) women's legs. What was even more fascinating was that they seemed to be pretty ordinary legs- the photographer wasn't targeting school girls or ladies in mini-skirts. Perhaps I should have handed it over to the police. Anyway, what do you think?

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Review of Myles Barlow

Yes, I've turned the tables around and done a review on the man who reviews all facets of life, the one, the only, Myles Barlow.

To read my review Click here

If you've never seen him before, have a look at this.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Waltzing Matilda in Kriol!

I read about this in the Weekend Australia and checked it out before finishing the article. I love the word for "jumbuck" and I love the fact I can hear similarities between the Kriol and Bislama/Tok Pisin!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Check out the newest newspaper

I've got a few articles posted (and more coming) on the recently established Newsbytes online newspaper. It's a JSchool newspaper and it was featured (albeit briefly) in Monday's Australian.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Videos from Press Freedom event

I took the videos on my snapshot digital camera tonight in Brisbane. The video shows my new journalist friends from PNG singing about press freedom and corruption. The song about press freedom is in English and the corruption one is in Tok Pisin.