Tuesday, 2 December 2008

I just had two young ladies come to the door and ask me if I wanted to sponsor them for the forty hour fanime (sic.) to help starving kids in South Africa and that.

News Ltd. has adopted the village of Fote in the Solomon Islands. What?

Sydney Morning Herald reports that PNG mothers are killing baby boys in an effort to end long-running tribal conflicts.

Numerous newspapers reported a Japanese man being arrested for releasing insects on trains in Osaka. Apparently the terrified ladies' shaking legs was a turn-on for him.

Monday, 14 July 2008

another pic

side of a car in DenDen Town.

Blue Jump

Entering this in the WIRED photo competition.

Monday, 7 July 2008

New Documentary Coming

Official Press Release:
16:13 JST Osaka.

Big Kamo announced today, the commencement of a new documentary with the working title, "Boner".

Monday, 30 June 2008

Monday, 16 June 2008

Selling Words.

The documentary mentioned in the entry below has been completed and is currently being burned onto a DVD as I fumble on this unfamiliar keyboard (my wife's laptop). I will upload it to you tube ASAP. It will probably be a three part series.

I saw an awesome looking project by the Aussie Broadcasting Corp (ABC) called "Fanging It". They are looking for Beat Generation X-Z documentary makers to travel the backroads of the sunburnt land on a few crumbs. I think I will particpate. Check it out here.

x Big Kamo.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

in the editing suite

I'm currently working on the editing of a video project titled: "Kaneki Yoshio- Selling Words"
. It follows a day in the life of Mr. Kaneki- a self-published writer who sells his book exclusively from a wagon in the electronics and anime district of Osaka. The book, that he considers a revolutionary blueprint for humanity, is titled Uchuujin no Tsukkomi (宇宙人のツッコミ) and translates as "the reearch of the aliens".

I'm working under a self-imposed deadline of the 15th of June and I'll try to have it uploaded to You Tube shortly after.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Scrabble Video

I only seem to post videos of late. Here is the latest. Presenting Adrian Tamas- Man of Letters- who in 2007 represented his homeland of Romania in the Word Scrabble Championships and finished in 36th place. It is a two part series.

Part one.

Part two.

Currently in the works: Self Published Author Mr. Kaneki who sells his book from a wagon on the streets of Osaka's electronics district. Compelling viewing!

And I've recently discovered Vice TV. Make sure you check it out by clicking here.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

more videos

see all my videos at:

Friday, 4 April 2008

My sister in Japan

Part one

Part two

More videos to come, so watch this space.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

videos DVDs etc.

I've got about 3 mini-documentary projects and one band film clip happening at once now. All coming along at different speeds.

In the meantime enjoy the video from a skate I had last weekend with my old mate Swami.