Wednesday 26 August 2009

Coffee & blog rolls

Working on a small video project with a local coffee roaster. In his bookshelf I saw a book entitled, "TEA SINKS, COFFEE FLOATS". Looked interesting- a good coffee table book perhaps.

I'm really enjoying Leigh Sales's (from Lateline on ABC) blog- Well Read-Head- especially her list of ten things to check out. Very interesting reading! They seem to be catered for me. Other blogs seem too shallow, or too deep. But Leigh somehow gets the balance just right.

Tuesday 18 August 2009


This is a trebuchet that my cousin made- he's in his early teens. On a slightly different scale there is another one I found on youtube: What is it about males and destroying stuff?

Cocaine traces found on 90% of US Greenbacks.

That's what the study says. And Washington comes in first with traces found on 95% of the notes. No surprises there I guess. What is surprising is that I read this story on the Sydney Morning Herald website, but couldn't find it on the NY Times site. If I was part of Gen-Y I'd say. "WTF?!" Stu Baker noted that most US$1 bills have a street value of $1.07.

Monday 17 August 2009

Searching for Bill Trailer

I'm trying to help a friend, Jonas Tabi, from Vanuatu track down his old friend and boss, Australian Bill Trailer (pictured). He worked in the New Hebrides on boats for quite some time and Jonas is keen to catch up with him again. If anyone knows anything (I know it's a stab in the dark) please contact me.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Vulgar Aussies.

I've always known that Aussies have a much more laid-back approach to vulgar language. Now it has been confirmed by a university study.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Great Hoaxes

If you've seen the crazy waterslide leap you probably realised it couldn't be real. Well, this story confirms it. It looks realistic enough, but I have enough common sense and production/editing knowledge to know that this could easily be faked. Good job though- I'm sure many were fooled.

Friday 14 August 2009


Hmm, never had a blogroll. But here's a link that will do for the time being.

What a crazy week eh? Did you see the apartment block fall into the river in Taiwan? Lady's boxing has been given for the 2012 Olympics- but you'd have to be pretty deluded to think of that as progress.

I'm on twitter.

And quickly, try to check out Myles Barlow, as he would have to be the funniest newcomer to comedy. Absolutely hilarious. He reviews the parts of life that matter. In this most recent episode he reviews Paying for Sex, Free-Loading and Destitution. Very refreshing- you won't be disappointed.

See ya in the pit.