Monday, 21 September 2009

I just finished on the edit for Park(ing) Day Brisbane 2009.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Groping in Tokyo.

I've always known that groping was a problem in trains in Tokyo. Speaking with lots of Japanese women confirms that many of them have been groped on crowded trains and many of them do not report these incidents or find the offenders. A male Japanese friend once told me to keep my hands up in the air when riding crowded trains so as not to be blamed as a groper. There are women only cars running during rush hour but none for only men. I wonder if there were men only cars, would people like my paranoid friend who would use them so they could rest easy with their hands in their pockets- even during rush hour. Anyway, the ABC did an interesting, albeit brief, story on this very issue.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


Owls? Yes, owls.

My father-in-law loves them because he says they send their young off to discover life for themselves at an early age. Everybody knows he loves owls and as a result his house is filled with owl merchandise. My grandmother, who used to be a teacher, wrote a poem about owls. Last night, I read it for the first time.

They tell me that owls
Are intelligent fowls
Mine just sit around saying WHO
You wold think now and then
Either cock bird or hen
Would venture a "how", "where" or "when"?
I think it's their eyes
That makes us surmise
There's a great wisdom lurking within
But I think I'd much rather
Hear kookaburra laughter
I don't need an answer for him

M. Streader