Monday, 12 October 2009

New videos

I've made some promotional videos for the CoffeeGuy to play in his shop on an LCD screen (no audio because we don't want to disturb the clients drinking their coffees).



Moka Pot

Milk Texturer

French Press

Drip Filter




Sunday, 11 October 2009

Macro panoramas

I wanted to try to do a macro-panoramic pic for some time and after a fair bit of experimenting I decided it would be extremely difficult. This is the best result that I got. Interesting maybe, but it's very obvious where the photos are stitched.

Friday, 9 October 2009


I got sent a link to this amazing bamboo-related site today. Check it out.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Would I walk in their shoes?

Very awesome "rogue sociologist" studies a crack-dealing gang in the toughest neighbourhoods of Chicago. Excellent read so far. He's very aware of his subject matter on a ground level and there are lots of facts and figures to support his anecdotes- not the other way around.

And speaking of walking in another person's shoes, check out these beauties. These shoes and feet belong to a German guy I started talking to at the recent Brisbane festival. I have socks from Japan that are similar in concept. Brilliant!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Travel Blog

Just sharing this link of an excellent travel blog on National Geographic's site.

And if you are really quick you'll still be able to see this awesome documentary on a film maker who had a tribal wedding in Tanna Vanuatu.