Friday, 20 April 2007


I don't have an i-pod. But I have a 4 year old chunky mp3 player that looks more like a walkman. It doesn't play videos, but it has 20GB worth of storage space. No complaints from me. I have recently discovered podcasts. I get most of mine from the Aussie Broadcasting Corp's homepage. Great podcasts there if you are looking for anything relevant to the lives of Australians. It has been a bit of a challenge finding decent travel podcasts though. I stumbled on a decent one the other day though.

And if you know of any good travel podcasts- not "yeah, we went to this pub and got so drunk and I spewed over the front doorstep of a little temple and the monk went ape shit chasing me with his dusty broom..." but more like: "So after I uncovered the plans for genocide I had to escape from the village, this required a swim through 15 kilometres of crocodile infested swamps with only a handful of peanuts to last me the whole journey.. I survived by eating small turnip like native plants...." That's the sort I like. Historical context, adventures, good experiences with the local people, stepping outside of one's personal comfort zone, unexpected complications etc.

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