Wednesday, 13 January 2010


As a kid I would have loved to have access to the Australian Customs' media room. You'd see exactly all these plans that were, ahem, hatched. Take for example the interesting T shirt below. The product of an ambitious TAFE design student? Unfortunately not. This individual who was wearing this wild garment is alleged to have stuffed these pockets with bird eggs. The customs writers had a little bit of fun with this media release noting how they cracked the egg smuggling attempt.

Which came first, the pigeon or the egg? What disappoints me about this episode is that no photo was taken when the pigeons were concealed. I can't imagine even the most junior customs officer failing to notice the bloke with funny looking calf muscles. Pigeons must have enjoyed an elevated status- if you are worth smuggling, it has to count for something right?

The male passenger below took a less conspicuous approach to (allegedly) attempting to smuggle some "roids" into the country. He seems to have outranked the pigeon smuggler in common sense. But in the end, he too was caught. Don't smuggle stuff! Customs will make bad puns about you if you do.

All pictures courtesy Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.

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