Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Skate Video

Part one

Part two

This is a video that was filmed from '94-95. It is the Team Spinal Hazard glorification edit done by old mate Evan B.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Longfala taem no raetem wanfala samting.

Been flat out studying for the big Japanese test in December so keeping a low profile.
But, the documentary "Tanaka Kyokusho, A Bamboo Artist" has been completed. Let me know if you want a copy.
Once the test is over I will be completing the Thailand Video (AKA Big Kamo #4.)
All is well.

(photo: jumping off Trev's fence in his safari suit when back in Australia on a recent trip)

Saturday, 7 July 2007

handwritten newspaper!

Yes indeed, handwritten newspapers still exist, even in the 21st Century! Have a gander. If you are wondering about the above photo- no it is not a real smoke.. I tried to take a photo looking like a journalist for a 2o03 Core-3 "am i hot?" prank. click here for more.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

random shite on the train

My favourite train to take is the Osaka monorail- it is aparently the longest public monorail in the world (about 30km or so of track- expensive infrastructure). Anyway, one great thing about it is the fact that it also has a communal library where people can leave and take books. In one such book I found the above photograph. I love it. Who would ever think of taking an eyewash shot!?

Thursday, 21 June 2007

found a gem

I have always wanted to travel across America with hobos and gypsies in a freight train. You can appreciate my delight, then, when I found this on you tube!

Thursday, 7 June 2007


When I was a kid (physically) I used to love reading Tintin comics. I would borrow them from the local library and read them several times over. Anyway I have recently discovered Tintin on youtube- redubbed with a filthy Cockney twang. It made me laugh. Go to youtube and search "tintin dubtoons", you may or may not be glad that you did.

Grandpa's dental stories.
My grandfather doesn't like wasting his money on crap like dentistry. He has a pair of pliers in his workshop that have paid for themselves many times over by avoiding visiting the dentist. One day my grandfather was suffering from a particularly painful dental complication. He went into his workshop and proceeded to yank at it with his trusty pair of pliers. Twenty minutes of struggling all proved fruitless and even more painful. Conceding defeat he reluctantly headed down to the local dentist and sat in the big chair. "Well, you know that it's only a slight gum infection. If you would have came and seen me first your tooth would have been fine, but now you have damaged the roots so bad that I am going to have to pull it out".

Sunday, 3 June 2007

This is an incredibly simple but brilliant invention that is still found in Japan. Forget throwing away old pencils because they are too small. Just whack it in one of these pencil holders.

The subject should read 竹 or "take" (bamboo). As previously mentioned, I am currently making a documentary on Mr. Tanaka my bamboo master. I didn't want to showcase too much of his personal work yet so instead I present a photo I took while getting some vision of bamboo this morning in a bamboo grove out Kyoto way. The fallen leaves provided a beautiful natural matress and I wanted to sleep there- unfortunately there were also gangs of giant vampire mosquitoes that wanted nothing more than a quick blood fix. I can promise you that this photo is not in any way doctored. In fact, I haven't even adjusted the colours or levels.

And a Cho Seung-Hui update. Finally google images gives you a picture of him within the first page of results. But I should also point out that his face came as the 17th result. This is after a photo of an infant giving someone the finger, and three bare breasted ladies. I don't know what it tells you, but for me it is my little experiment and I am enjoying this research.

Monday, 28 May 2007

Want exposure? My cousin will mow your name, logo or message onto his grass. Thinking of proposing in a light aircraft?

Saturday, 28 April 2007


Do you know what a googlewhack is? Wikipedia's definition: A Googlewhack is a Google search query consisting of two words--both of which must be in Google's dictionary, and without quotation marks--that returns a single result.

Anyway, a friend lent me a DVD called David Gorman's Googlewhack adventure. He was a Googlewhack and he went on a global adventure trying to create a chain of 10 other Googlewhacks- all stemming from him. It was a great story- watch it if you have a chance. Anyway, I found one myself: kavatones orchids. Try it yourself. His theory was that if you find out about it you would be hard pressed not to try it there and then.

Heading up to Tokyo tomorrow to start filming a documentary I am doing on my bamboo teacher.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

"war on journalism"

The International Press Institute has dubbed 2006 the "Most Brutal Year in the Modern Media’s History".

I want to see a "war on greed" or a "war on ignorance". There is a "war on want". As a victim of malaria I was pleased to see that some years ago Cuba began waging a "war on malaria" and I have since read that so too are Tanzania and South Africa. Papua New Guinea is waging a war on plastic bags! I want to enlist! The Chaser declared a war on everything and I highly recommend their vodcasts!

What other good wars have there been?

The old days.

A few quotes I remember from people I encountered in the mid 90s.

"I am not gay, I was just experimenting when I was younger, I was a curious lad"
An immigrant father reacting to his son using an offensive term to suggest that the father was a fan of sodomy.

"SHUT THE DOOR! We'll get mice!"
An immigrant father of another friend telling me to shut the door otherwise mice would annex the house.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


I'm currently editing a video from my recent trip to Thailand. It is a long process and I am currently in the middle of the most time consuming part. The creative process is a long one. The travelogues I write also follow a similar pattern. I probably enjoy the fine tuning the most.

If you know me, you'll know that I like a band called Rancid. The lead guitarist, Tim Armstrong, is releasing a solo album. What's unique about it, is that it will be released for free on the net. All tracks will can be downloaded for free. This must be a first (prove me wrong).

Cho Seung-Hui update: still no images available on google images (the first page of results anyway). I wonder if they take a week or so to register.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

(Above) Old picture of my mullet-cut self with my brother in Canberra.

A friend brought a site to my attention today. Haven't looked deep into it yet, but I trust his judgement and it looks good- but you know what they say "never judge a website by its frontpage". Click here or on the word "deep" (above) to be linked.

Saw a great show on the idiot box tonight. A family from Papua New Guinea came over for a home stay in Japan. It was great hearing the dialogue in both Japanese and Tok Pisin. It makes me wonder how Marcel, my Ni-Vanuatu mate, is going in Brisbane doing his 3 month homestay (and intensive Aikido course) with a cafe owner.

Saturday, 21 April 2007

important discovery

I just made an amazing discovery today. Channel-2! I found what appears to be the largest web forum on the world. It is Japanese too, which is even more relevant for me seeing as though I live over here. It also seems that Shift-JIS (encoding) text art is extremely popular (see picture to the right and hopefully below).

This site gives users the option to post anonymously- in a society where people have largely kept their opinions to themselves, this has opened the floodgates for raw emotions to come out. I look forward to using this as a study tool to improve my language as well as learn more about current trends and opinions over here.

An English language version has also been launched. Channel-4.

The following picture should slightly resemble Mr. T.
   ■■■■√ ===:::::|
  ■■■■√~ '''''''  '''''''::::::|    +
  ■■■√  (●), .、(●):::\
  ■■■  ∵  ,,ノ(、_,)ヽ、,,∵::| I should be viewed as a negative..
  ■■■    丿■■■(  ::::|   Think that white = black and
  ■■■    ■`-=ニ=- '■ :::|    Black=white.
  ■■■■ ■■ `ニニ´■■::|     +
      /,;;;'" ,,,,  !;;;)
       ゙! (U) l、

Friday, 20 April 2007


I don't have an i-pod. But I have a 4 year old chunky mp3 player that looks more like a walkman. It doesn't play videos, but it has 20GB worth of storage space. No complaints from me. I have recently discovered podcasts. I get most of mine from the Aussie Broadcasting Corp's homepage. Great podcasts there if you are looking for anything relevant to the lives of Australians. It has been a bit of a challenge finding decent travel podcasts though. I stumbled on a decent one the other day though.

And if you know of any good travel podcasts- not "yeah, we went to this pub and got so drunk and I spewed over the front doorstep of a little temple and the monk went ape shit chasing me with his dusty broom..." but more like: "So after I uncovered the plans for genocide I had to escape from the village, this required a swim through 15 kilometres of crocodile infested swamps with only a handful of peanuts to last me the whole journey.. I survived by eating small turnip like native plants...." That's the sort I like. Historical context, adventures, good experiences with the local people, stepping outside of one's personal comfort zone, unexpected complications etc.


I just read a story from the Sydney Morning Herald about a community from Vanuatu who had to leave their island due to either rising sea levels or a sinking island.

I repeated the Cho Seng-hui experiment and couldn't find a single picture of him in the first 10 pages of the search results of the Google image search function. I don't think this necessarily proves anything, but it is interesting to me all the same. If you search for Bigkamo the first picture that comes up is a platypus. The reason for this is presumably that kamonohashi means platypus in Japanese.