Saturday, 21 April 2007

important discovery

I just made an amazing discovery today. Channel-2! I found what appears to be the largest web forum on the world. It is Japanese too, which is even more relevant for me seeing as though I live over here. It also seems that Shift-JIS (encoding) text art is extremely popular (see picture to the right and hopefully below).

This site gives users the option to post anonymously- in a society where people have largely kept their opinions to themselves, this has opened the floodgates for raw emotions to come out. I look forward to using this as a study tool to improve my language as well as learn more about current trends and opinions over here.

An English language version has also been launched. Channel-4.

The following picture should slightly resemble Mr. T.
   ■■■■√ ===:::::|
  ■■■■√~ '''''''  '''''''::::::|    +
  ■■■√  (●), .、(●):::\
  ■■■  ∵  ,,ノ(、_,)ヽ、,,∵::| I should be viewed as a negative..
  ■■■    丿■■■(  ::::|   Think that white = black and
  ■■■    ■`-=ニ=- '■ :::|    Black=white.
  ■■■■ ■■ `ニニ´■■::|     +
      /,;;;'" ,,,,  !;;;)
       ゙! (U) l、


Big Kamo said...

   ■■■■√ ===:::::|
  ■■■■√~ '''''''  '''''''::::::|    +
  ■■■√  (●), .、(●):::\
  ■■■  ∵  ,,ノ(、_,)ヽ、,,∵::
  ■■■    丿■■■(  ::::|  
  ■■■    ■`-=ニ=- '■ :::|    
  ■■■■ ■■ `ニニ´■■::|     +
      /,;;;'" ,,,,  !;;;)
       ゙! (U) l、

Pete. A.K.A Shenanigans in Japan said...

Yo welcome to blogspot dude! yeah channel 2 has some amazing ascii art ey!! I couldnt really see Mr. T in that art tho sorry! hehe

Big Kamo said...

um, yeah, actually you got a good point about not looking like Mr. T.